Sunday, March 1, 2009

How to write a resume- Writing a Career Objective Statment

Over the past couple of weeks I have discussed tips and different ways of writing resumes. As I have explored the different types of resumes I have discovered that it can be advantageous to include a career objective in the resume.

A career objective, functional or professional can help you determine what it is you want. It will also help the resume reader to help see if their jobs match your needs. Your career objective will also help you put the exact information you need in your resume. As you are developing your career objective you will be thinking about:
1. Your strengths- skills and abilities
2. Functions you have performed in jobs or activities
3. Type of positions you are looking for
4. Size or possible location of companies applying to

After you have decided what you are going to put in your career objective statement it is time to write it. When you write do not use sentences use verb phrases. And do not make them I-centered. You want to help your statements focus on the employer and not on you. It should be focused on the position and perhaps the area you would like to work. If you are doing a functional resume you will want to focus on the functions you would like to perform. If you are using a skills resume you will want to focus on the skills you can bring to the position. If you are seeking a part-time, summer, or internship position, please put that in your objective.

Functional Format Objective example:
A position in managerial production with an emphasis in quality food control and personnel management.

Skills Format Objective example:
A position with a college food service program, which requires skills in quality food control, personnel management and inventory control.

I hope writing your Career Objective statement has been fun to write. Good luck working on your resume. Next time I will be discussing the Functional Resume.

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