Friday, November 7, 2008

What do I tell my family on my deathbed?

As I lay here on my bed dying of a rare form of cancer, I have some words of advice to give all of you, no matter the age. Although the younger generations would have a better chance of a lifetime benefit.

First, always make sure you eat a well balanced diet. It is so important to continue to eat all the fruits and vegetable, I would not follow any food pyramid, but I would say it is not all wrong. I would like you to still eat meat, but make sure you do not eat very much and do make sure it is the leanest meat, like elk. Do not eat the unclean meats. Sweets and alcohol are fine in moderation, but make sure you only take what is the healthiest. I know that most of you will not heed me, but it is best for you if you do.

And MAKE SURE YOU EXERCISE!!! There are so many different ways of exercising today. I have never tried the Wii, but I hear it is lots of fun. I am not to particular on how you do it, but please do.

The final thing that I am going to say is that follow the guidelines in the Bible. Jesus is our savior and we need to strive to be like him. I know that none of you can perfectly be as Jesus is, but you can work hard to try. And you can be so thankful that Jesus died so that if we mess up once in a while we are still saved. Just read and study the Bible, during the week when you are not in the fellowship of other Christians and you will have a life that others can only believe in. REMEMBER MONETARY WEALTH IS NOT IMPORTANT.

Thank you for listening to my words. I know you will have a wonderful life. May God bless you.

For those of you who read this, if you would say something different I would be interested in knowing.

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