Thursday, November 20, 2008

What is this in the mail?

It wasn’t until a recent summer that I received something in the mail that was totally unexpected, but I knew exactly what it was. I was on vacation in the West and when we pulled into the drive I saw the box sitting by the mailbox. I was really glad that it had not been raining. The package could have been wrecked and I would have lost a valuable family resource. When I saw the address was from Denver I knew immediately that the package contained the volumes of our family history. I was so excited that I would finally have my own copy. I enjoyed reading my parents copy. I was hoping that sometime I could have my own copy, but I was not sure how I could afford it. God was blessing me by giving me a treasure that I will always keep safe.

1 comment:

  1. We just have to remember that God blesses us in many different ways from the little things to the very large.
